Why Don't Your Try My Sweet Water - LadyboyVice

5 years ago
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I was having a drink in one of my favorite guesthouse restaurants when I saw Namwan walk by on her way to meet someone. I waved at her and she gave me smile when she noticed me, I gestured to invite her over to join me for some food but she kept walking and yelled something about her being late for something. So I just nodded to avoid even more attention from guys seeing me getting snubbed. A couple of minutes later my shrimp soup showed up and much to my surprise Namwan showed up from behind the waitress. She told me some jerk she was about to meet didn't answer his phone so I happily presented the empty spot next to me. We started talking about nothing and after a while I asked her what her name meant, she told me it meant sweet water or sugar water or something, I immediately used that little badge that presented itself and asked her if she wanted to try my sweet water. She asked what I meant and I invited her to come with me a little later so I could show her.
